Title : Old Town Road
Artist : Lil Nas X
🎀 dance HD video
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 小時候的夏天都去哪兒玩水呢?🌊
♬ Old Town Road - Тот самый Вовка🥕
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 多數人都想改變世界,卻很少有人想改變自己 🌗
♬ RominasMusic - romina.iranmanesh
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 小時候的夏天都去哪兒玩水呢?🌊
♬ Old Town Road - Тот самый Вовка🥕
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 最好的默契並非是有人懂你說出的故事,而是有人懂你說不出的心事 ❤
♬ Habibi (Albanian Remix) - Ricky Rich & Dardan
#向所有偉大的藝術家致敬@cathyhsieh66 <最偉大的作品>歌詞中提到的藝術家你最喜歡誰?😉
♬ 原聲 - Cathy Hsieh
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 什麼樣的夢才算好夢?祝福你今晚有個美夢 😴
♬ dream baekhyun suzy - bbibbi
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 氣質不是取決於妝感的濃淡,而是發自內心的笑有多燦爛 🥰
♬ Beyonce Run The World Showmusik Dance Mix - Showmusik Sounds
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 追逐夢想需要有財富來支持 🪙
♬ Producer Man - LYN
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 冬有蜜棗,夏有芒果,而你一年四季都能吃到果 🍎
♬ nhạc nền - RubyDoris🦋玉蝶🌼
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 跳完孤獨頌歌,一點也不覺得孤獨 💐
♬ nhạc nền - Ast 🖤
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 今天沒有文案只有我 😏
♬ Hell Shell - Young Nudy
@cathyhsieh66 你知道嗎?KPOP音樂也能跳成肚皮舞 💃
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 人不能看到空氣,那魚看得到水嗎?找亮點 😃
♬ Fine, I'll Do It Myself - EMRE OKSUZ 📍
#凱西Cathy #自學舞蹈@cathyhsieh66 好想抱住你,擁抱是世界上最溫暖的鼓勵 👍
♬ 原声 - 四哥
#最近天氣好好但會議滿滿滿@cathyhsieh66 肚皮舞表演後重新起步,我的慶功宴要再等等了 ❤
♬ 原聲 - Cathy Hsieh
I am Cathy, a passionate dancer with expertise in belly dance, as well as a keen interest in a wide range of other dance styles, including jazz, pop, modern, and classical dance. As a professional belly dancer, I continually seek to expand my skill set and artistic expression by integrating diverse dance genres into my repertoire. I am regularly invited to perform at cultural events and contribute to the vibrant art of belly dance, capturing and sharing memorable moments through my performances on this website.
In addition to my dance practice, I am an avid reader and a lifelong learner, always seeking to explore new areas of knowledge. I actively engage with emerging trends and insights across various fields, and I am passionate about sharing valuable information, tools, and resources that I come across. My interests are diverse, and I embrace opportunities to learn without being constrained by conventional boundaries or categories. This open-minded approach is central to my personal and professional growth.