舞蹈影片:Ultra Solo


Are all the goals set for this year met? It's almost time to start planning your goals for next year. I think it's time to tidy up the house, especially the clothes in the closet, it's time to replace the old ones with the new ones.

Title:Ultra Solo
Artist:Polimá Westcoast, Pailita

🎀 dance HD video

@cathyhsieh66 今年設定的目標都有達標嗎?Have you met your goals for this year? #tiktok #ultrasolo #dance #dancer ♬ ULTRA SOLO (Solo y coronao ¿De qué sirve? Si no estás a mi lao' Por ti paso el día conectau, pendiente al cel, pendiente a ti, pendiente si subes una story) - Polimá Westcoast & Pailita


December 02, 2022

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