但我還是要感謝在我身邊默默幫忙的貴人們 🙏
讓我除了工作之外,還可以擠出時間做我自己想做的事 ❤
今年度負責的兩支產品,業績囊括第一&第二名 ☝️➕️✌️
其實我只是盡心盡力做好自己,也同時幫助很多人釐清及解決問題 🎉
覺得自己沒做什麼,但業績也默默地往上爬到排名前二 🎊
實在太開心了 👏👏👏
當然不免俗的,還是要感謝自己 💕
就不會有真正的貴人會幫助我,也就是「魚幫水、水幫魚」的道理 🐠
這是一個不虛假的、不爭奪的、良性的循環 🌳
也是我心目中想要的狀態 🌻
同樣地,套用在生活上、舞蹈上 💃
我也會用相同的方式 - 不爭、不奪、不取、不搶
該是我的,自然就會依附到我身邊 💝
人生就是這麼簡單 👍
Although Thanksgiving has passed. But I still want to thank the noble people who silently help me. Let me spare time to do what I want to do besides work.
The two products I'm in charge of this year, the performance includes the first and second place. In fact, I just try my best to be myself and at the same time help many people clarify and solve problems. I feel that I have done nothing, but my performance has also quietly climbed up to the top two. I'm so happy~
In addition to thanking the people and things around me. Of course I still have to thank myself. If I don't have a clear conscience and a good heart to help others, there will be no real nobles who will help me, which is the quote of "help one another".
This is a virtuous circle that is not fake, not contested. It's also the state I want in my mind.
Similarly, apply to life, dance. I'll do it the same way - don't fight, don't take, don't grab. Get along with those who get along, stay away from those who don’t. If something is mine, it will naturally attach to me. Life is so simple.