I have been ridiculed countless times, making me give up my music dream, I have been drowned by countless losses, and my surging turbulence. No matter what ups and downs in life, we always have hope in life, and have good memories. We do not need to care about the loss caused by the unexpected blow. This lyric expresses the feeling after being hit by reality in order to stick to the ideals.
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@hsuan8899 不經一番寒徹骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香;我曾被無數的嘲諷,讓我放棄我的音樂夢,我曾被無數的黃土,淹沒我的澎湃洶湧;人生中不管經歷什麼坎坷,總是要對生活充滿希望,想要有美好的回憶,就不要在意外來的打擊所造成的失落,這段歌詞所表達的應該是,爲了堅持自己的理想,被現實打擊的後的心情。I have been ridiculed countless times, making me give up my music dream, I have been drowned by countless losses, and my surging turbulence. No matter what ups and downs in life, we always have hope in life, and have good memories. We do not need to care about the loss caused by the unexpected blow. This lyric expresses the feeling after being hit by reality in order to stick to the ideals. #我曾 #隔壁老樊 #翻唱 #翻唱系列 #情感 ♬ 原聲 - HSUAN
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