
暖心是種幸福感,可以消除一整天的辛苦勞累。情侶之間不需要太多的甜言蜜語和海誓山盟,真心的付出勝過千言萬語。在戀愛中二人總是感覺特別的幸福,躺在戀人的懷裡,每分每秒都覺得很窩心、很甜蜜。附上這段歌詞:你的體貼 溫暖了我的心,就像夏天的風吹過 那麼涼爽安靜,我輕輕依偎在你的懷裡,天空掛滿祝福的星星。

Warm heart is a kind of happiness. It can eliminate the hard work of the whole day. There is no need for many sweet words and each other between lovers. Sincerity is worth more than a thousand words. In love, lovers always feel very happy. Lying in the arms of their lover. They feel very hearty and sweet every minute and every second. Attached this lyric: Your thoughtfulness warms my heart, just like the summer wind blowing so cool and quiet. I gently snuggle in your arms, the sky is full of blessed stars.


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@hsuan8899 暖心是種幸福感,可以消除一整天的辛苦勞累。情侶之間不需要太多的甜言蜜語和海誓山盟,真心的付出勝過千言萬語。在戀愛中二人總是感覺特別的幸福,躺在戀人的懷裡,每分每秒都覺得很窩心、很甜蜜。附上這段歌詞:你的體貼 溫暖了我的心,就像夏天的風吹過 那麼涼爽安靜,我輕輕依偎在你的懷裡,天空掛滿祝福的星星。Warm heart is a kind of happiness. It can eliminate the hard work of the whole day. There is no need for many sweet words and each other between lovers. Sincerity is worth more than a thousand words. In love, lovers always feel very happy. Lying in the arms of their lover. They feel very hearty and sweet every minute and every second. Attached this lyric: Your thoughtfulness warms my heart, just like the summer wind blowing so cool and quiet. I gently snuggle in your arms, the sky is full of blessed stars. #暖心 #郁可唯 #翻唱 #翻唱系列 #情歌 ♬ 原聲 - HSUAN


October 28, 2022

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